"Te estoy mirando", I am looking at you, seen stamped on a house across the street from a fairly large cemetery in Las Tunas, Cuba. It's not uncommon to come across painted reminders of Santería in Cuba, a religion that combines West African Yoruba, Spanish Catholicism, and until recently was completely banned by the Castro regime.
These raised graves struck me as odd. Like in Spain, it is common for people to bury their deceased in a temporary grave, then transfer their bones to an ossuary.
"They are not dead, those who in sweet calm enjoy the peace of a cold tomb.... The dead are those who carry a dead soul and... are still alive!"
Smaller sizes for children and toddlers.
Husband and wife.
Right side: "Mother: It is easy to die, what's difficult is living without you."
Despite some sad engravings, to me the bright colors and peculiar handwritten tombstones seem uplifting in comparison the drab and somber cemeteries of the American Northeast.
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